## Barbecue Skewers You are in charge of the barbecue grill. A **vegetarian skewer** is a skewer that has **only vegetables (-o)**. A **non-vegetarian skewer** is a skewer with **at least one piece of meat (-x)**. For example, the grill below has **4 non-vegetarian skewers** and **1 vegetarian skewer** (the one in the middle). ```text ["--xo--x--ox--", "--xx--x--xx--", "--oo--o--oo--", <<< vegetarian skewer "--xx--x--ox--", "--xx--x--ox--"] ``` #### Examples Given a BBQ grill, write a function that returns `[# vegetarian skewers, # non-vegetarian skewers]`. For example above, the function should return `[1, 4]`. ```text [ "--oooo-ooo--", "--xx--x--xx--", "--o---o--oo--", "--xx--x--ox--", "--xx--x--ox--" ] ➞ [2, 3] [ "--oooo-ooo--", "--xxxxxxxx--", "--o---", "-o-----o---x--", "--o---o-----" ) ➞ [3, 2] ``` --- ### Notes - NA