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Geography of Brazil

Today's theme is the Geography of BRAZIL, a very large country. Currently, the country is divided into 26 states and the Federal District, altogether there are 27 federative units.

Brazil has gone through several regionalizations, which have changed the configuration of the Brazilian territory over the years. The current regionalization is related to the Federal Constitution of 1988, in which some states arose and other territories were elevated to the category of state.

What few people actually know is the number of Municipalities per State. Create a function that obtains this information!

Input & Example

The only input parameter is the state's acronym.


Output & Example

The output is the number of municipalities in the state informed.


Brazilian states and acronyms

State Acronym
Acre AC
Alagoas AL
Amapá AP
Amazonas AM
Bahia BA
Ceará CE
Espírito Santo ES
Goiás GO
Maranhão MA
Mato Grosso MT
Mato Grosso do Sul MS
Minas Gerais MG
Pará PA
Paraíba PB
Paraná PR
Pernambuco PE
Piauí PI
Rio de Janeiro RJ
Rio Grande do Norte RN
Rio Grande do Sul RS
Rondônia RO
Roraima RR
Santa Catarina SC
São Paulo SP
Sergipe SE
Tocantins TO
Distrito Federal DF


You can make use of the public API of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).