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2023-03-14 10:07:37 -07:00
hello_rainbow Day 1 Project Files 2023-03-13 20:25:59 -04:00
README.md Updated project list 2023-03-14 10:07:37 -07:00

100 Days Of Rust

Welcome to the 100 Days of Rust Coding Challenge! This challenge is designed to help you learn and improve your Rust programming skills over the course of 100 days.

Each day, you will tackle a new Rust programming concept, project, or problem. You will learn about ownership and borrowing, concurrency and parallelism, the Rust standard library, web development with Rust, game development with Rust, machine learning in Rust, system programming in Rust, cryptography in Rust, and blockchain development in Rust.

This challenge is suitable for Rust beginners and intermediate learners who want to improve their skills and build practical projects. It is also a great opportunity to connect with other Rust learners and share knowledge and experiences.

We hope you find this challenge fun and rewarding, and we can't wait to see what you build with Rust!

How to Participate

Fork this repository and create a new branch to track your progress. Commit to coding and learning Rust for at least an hour every day for 100 days. Share your progress on social media with the hashtag #100DaysOfRustCodingChallenge and tag @DomSecRocks on Twitter. We encourage you to share your progress and ask questions in the Discussions section of this repository.


The Rust Programming Language Book

The Rust Standard Library Documentation

Rust By Example

Rust Cookbook

Awesome Rust

Project List

Day Project Name Completed
Day #1 hello_rainbow
Day #2 guessing_game
Day #3 sha1_cracker
Day #4 random_quote
Day #5 rock_ paper_ scissors
Day #6 dice_roller
Day #7 password_generator
Day #8 ip_checker
Day #9 states_parser
Day #10 us_presidents