2023-03-23 21:38:35 -04:00

894 B

Make it look like you are working

Often, we find ourselves running a script or query that will take a significant amount of time to run. usually, you can leave that script open and enjoy some guilt-free procrastination.

Now, what if you could write a script that seems to be one of the above scripts to any onlookers, but in looks only? You could put it up on a screen and enjoy days of kitten livestreams before anyone realised that all the complicated rigmarole on the screen didn't have anything to do with your actual job.

Your challenge is to write this script !

A good solution will:

  • Make something appear on the screen that looks like a script is doing work. "Screen" can be terminal, browser, etc.
  • Be fairly original (yes, we've all seen the neverending progress bar programs)
  • Survive cursory examination by a technical person

A bad solution will:

  • Get you fired