2023-03-25 19:02:44 -04:00

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Final Hello World

Your boss asks you to write a "hello world" program. Since you get paid for lines of code, you want to make it as complex as possible. However if you just add nonsense lines, or obviously useless or obfuscating stuff, you will never get it through code review. Therefore the challenge is:

Write a "hello world" program which is as complex as possible under the condition that you can give a "justification" for every complexity in the code.

The required behavior of the program is to just output a single line "Hello world" (without the quotes, but with a newline at the end) and then exit successfully.

"Justifications" include:

- buzzword compatibility ("Modern software is object oriented!")
- generally accepted good programming practices ("Everyone knows that you should separate model and view")
- maintainability ("If we do it this way, we can more easily do XXX later")
- and of course any other justification you can imagine using (in other situations) for real code.